
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

C Program to Print Day Name of Week using Else If ladder

void main()
    int ch;
    printf("\n1. press ch=1 for monday. \n2. press ch=2 for tuesday.\n3. press ch=3 for wednesday. \ ch=4 for thursday. \ ch=5 for friday.\ ch=6 for saturday. \n7. press ch=7 for sunday.");
    printf("\n enetr your choice =");
    scanf("%d", &ch);
        printf("today is monday");
  else if(ch==2)
       printf("today is tuesday");
 else if(ch==3)
       printf("today is wednesday");
 else if(ch==4)
        printf("today is thursday");
  else if(ch==5)
        printf("today is friday");
  else  if(ch==6)
        printf("today is saturday");
  else if(ch==7)
        printf("today is sunday");

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C program to make a calculator using the switch statement.

/*perform arithmetic calculation on integers in C language*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() {     char op;     ...